Press Release
2 min

GEMINO AI: Women Pioneering the Future of Industrial Data Intelligence

Empowering Industrial Innovation: How GEMINO AI and Lorrayne Pereira Are Redefining the Role of Women in AI Technology

Leipzig, Germany - In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, GEMINO AI stands out as a beacon of innovation, led by the visionary Lorrayne Pereira. From her early days as a data enthusiast in Brazil to her groundbreaking work in AI, Pereira's journey is a testament to the transformative power of technology and the role of diversity in driving innovation.

A Journey from Brazil to AI Innovation

Lorrayne Pereira, originally an industrial engineer from Brazil, has become a disruptor in the AI industry, challenging norms and pushing boundaries. Her academic background at the University of Manchester, focusing on Service Level Agreements (SLAs) models, laid the groundwork for her passion for data and processes. Pereira's transition from academia to AI was spurred by her encounter with ChatGPT, marking a pivotal moment in her career. "The potential for AI to transform data from a static entity into something dynamic and intelligent was a revelation," Pereira recalls, highlighting the inception of her quest to innovate within the AI space.

Breaking Stereotypes and Fostering Diversity

As a female engineer and a mother, Pereira has navigated a path less traveled, breaking stereotypes in a male-dominated field. Her journey underscores the importance of diversity in enriching the engineering profession and driving forward technological advancements. "Diversity in perspectives is not just beneficial; it's essential for innovation. My journey stands as a reminder that engineering and AI are fields for everyone, irrespective of gender or background," Pereira asserts.

Launching GEMINO AI in Leipzig

The decision to establish GEMINO AI in Leipzig was influenced by Germany's robust industrial sector and the country's need for advanced AI solutions. GEMINO AI specializes in developing systems for smarter data integration, addressing critical challenges in industrial operations. "Germany's industrial heritage and its openness to innovation made Leipzig the perfect place for GEMINO AI. Our mission is to make industrial data smarter, more interconnected, and ultimately, more valuable," Pereira explains.

Navigating Challenges and Embracing the Future

Despite the challenges of funding and public support, Pereira's journey with GEMINO AI has been marked by early success, including significant client acquisitions and operational growth. This success speaks to the demand for AI-driven solutions in industrial settings and the effectiveness of Pereira's vision. "Our journey has just begun. We're exploring new systems and partnerships to further our mission. The future is bright, and we're just scratching the surface of what's possible with AI in industrial data intelligence," Pereira enthuses.


Lorrayne Pereira's transition from a data-focused engineer to an AI innovator embodies the essence of perseverance, passion, and the power of diversity. Through GEMINO AI, she is not only advancing technological capabilities but also challenging societal norms, demonstrating that the path to innovation is enriched by a diversity of perspectives. Pereira's story is a beacon for aspiring engineers and entrepreneurs, showcasing that with determination and vision, obstacles can become opportunities.

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